Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Networked Student

Please watch this video and give us your feedback in a comment. You will find space for your comment just below the blog post. We would be especially grateful if you would respond to these questions:
1. To what extent do you accept the implicit and/or explicit arguments of these two movies?
2. Are there any implications that you can identify for the College of Education and/or the courses you teach?
3. If we were to attempt to meet the future technological needs of our students, what assistance would you need?
4. Any other comments you would like to make.

Thank you!

Times are given in minutes and seconds
The Networked Student
by Wendy Drexler 5:11

Wendy Drexler writes: "The Networked Student was inspired by CCK08, a Connectivism course offered by George Siemens and Stephen Downes during fall 2008. It depicts an actual project completed by Wendy Drexler's high school students. The Networked Student concept map was inspired by Alec Couros' Networked Teacher. I hope that teachers will use it to help their colleagues, parents, and students understand networked learning in the 21st century."


  1. I appreciate the simplicity of the format in which the information was delivered in this video. It reminded me of the flannelboards used when teaching Kindergarten!
    The connectivity discussed in this video is similar to an "integrated curriculum, thematic unit, or project approach" model that is used to teach children skills within the context of learning about a subject. This was an excellent example of how this can be accomplished using technological resources and in an on-line teaching format. Great idea!

  2. Karyn,
    Common Craft develops short videos in this simplistic style on a multitude of topics including how to apply most tech tools. It is one of my favorite resources for technology job aids, but also provides videos on concepts other than technology applications which are useful. I use these resources in online as well as face-to-face courses, to introduce the possible applications of technologies new to our students...Check out the web site...

  3. I am most struck with the role of the teacher as presented in this video. She is less the content expert and more the individual who models searching, sorting and synthesizing of information for the student. This type of learning gives the student a great deal of freedom to explore and learn on his own. Teaching students those skills that help them ferret out factual material rather than opinions is crucial in this learning environment.

    The video does a great job of taking a complex web of learning and laying it out in an organized and easy to follow format. It should help lessen the anxiety level of students and instructors learning in the online environment.

  4. I enjoy all comments related to the Networked Student Model. Thank you for your input. My doctoral research took this model into a seventh grade science class and applied it to scientific inquiry. There were many challenges, but a clear need was evident for implementing digital literacy skills throughout the K12 curricula. I have also taken the original model and looked at it more from a process perspective than a tools perspective. You can read more about it here . You might also enjoy the video overview of the project.

    What do you see as the biggest challenges to implementing a networked learning approach?


  5. What a great way to explain today's newest model of teaching in a five minute video! I loved the very last part of the video that showed all of the different roles of the teacher. My favorite was "learning architect." I honestly feel that title fits me as I work to guide my students in the online classes I teach. I have had to really rethink my role as a teacher and how to guide my students to finding information and show them how to use all of the technology in their classrooms or their future classrooms. It has been quite a challenge, but one I am absolutely loving.

  6. I, too, appreciated the simplicity of this presentation. As I struggle with changing my role, I was reminded of some things that I need to do, but haven't yet. I want to change from being a "provider" of information to a guide. John provides evidence each week that this is necessary. It's a challenge that I intent to address more intentionally.
